Vol.3 信念を貫く/ Pursuing your belief



  I had lived overseas for 16 years since I was 30 years old. I lived in Hong Kong for 2.5 years, in Paris for 2 years and in San Francisco for 11.5 years. English was the main language for my work in each country. Having said that, I was not familiar with English in the beginning. In fact, I was unexpectedly transferred from Nomura’s HQs in Tokyo to its Hong Kong office although I hadn’t had a chance to study abroad. I started learning English on the job there. I also learned Mandarine in Hong Kong and French in Paris from necessity in my daily life. It was not easy for me to learn these languages because I don’t think I’m talented at learning foreign languages. In fact, it was very challenging for me to start learning a new language at the age of over 30. However,  my curiosity helped me learn a new language. Also, my local co-workers and friends helped me a lot. Thinking about my old friends who are outside of Japan, I came up with the idea of sharing this newsletter with my non-Japanese friends. If you are interested in learning Japanese, please compare the both contents.
 さて、本日のトピックの「信念を貫く」についてですが、仕事上発生する様々な困難を乗り超えるには信念が必要と考えています。そこで、私なりの「信念」の定義から始めてみようと思います。私にとって信念とは、困難に直面したときに取る自分の行動を理由付けしてくれるものと考えています。では、なぜ信念が必要なのでしょうか?信念というものを意識せずとも、立場などにより必要に迫られて行動するというケースもあるでしょう。しかし、信念がなければ思い切った行動が取れず、仕事で不都合が生じることもあろうかと思います。例えば、これは実際に私が経験した話ですが、路面店のレストランオーナーであった私が、ホームレスが自分のお店の営業妨害をしている現場に居合わせたことが何度となくありました。そのホームレスが明らかに従業員とお客様の迷惑になっていたとしても、警察を呼んで対処を待つのは時間がかかり過ぎて即効性に欠けます。そういうわけで、私はやむをえず自分で対処してきたのですが、ホームレスの中には精神疾患者、薬物中毒者など、口頭での注意に応じてくれない者や、銃や凶器の保有の危険性もあり、直接の対応はお勧めではありません。これは極端な例かもしれませんが、困難を乗り越えるたびに経験が増え、スキルがアップし、自信が高まって、結果的に自分のレベルアップにつながるのは事実なので、困難に立ち向かう勇気と信念を身に付けるのは大切と、私は今では積極的に考えています。Have a nice day!


  Regarding today’s topic, “Pursuing your belief”, I think we need strong belief when we overcome some difficulties. Please let me define the word “ belief” first. I don’t mean anything religious here. The belief I mean is the backbone which can explain your actions when you encounter some difficulties. The belief here I mean is close to will. Why do we need belief then? People can react based on their responsibilities without belief. However, I suspect that some people, who lack belief, cannot react decisively, and end up with not an ideal situation at work. For example, this is what I sometimes experienced as a restaurant owner, but I had seen a homeless person disturbing my employees and customers at my restaurant. I know that it would take a long time to wait for police officers even if I have called immediately, and it’d not be effective enough. That’s why I had been kicking out these homeless people by myself whenever necessary. I don’t recommend this because it’s dangerous. In fact, some homeless people are mentally ill or drug users. That’s why they tend not to listen to any instructions. Some people may own some weapons such as guns. Having said that, I think it’s true that you can accumulate your experiences, increase your skills, enhance your confidence and improve your abilities eventually by getting through some difficult situations although my example is a little extreme. I highly recommend that you’ll encourage yourself to take on some challenges with your belief. Have a nice day!




  If you have any opinions, questions and requests, please reply to me. I’d really appreciate it if you’d share this newsletter with someone you know. If you’d like me to add or delete someone including yourself, pls let me know the email address. Thank you, Nick Ono


