稲盛和夫の京セラフィロソフィ  Vol.2 もうダメだというときが仕事のはじまり/ Time to give up everything or start working harder?

 私はこのメルマガで女性経営者、女性起業家をサポートしていきたいと考えています。特に日本で教育を受けた女性は、お気づきでない方も多いと思いますが、自分でコントロールできない、本来ビジネスの要素として全く関係ないこと、例えば、家柄、お父さんの職業、自分のルックスやスタイル、旦那さんの職業や収入などに普段から意識を奪われがちで、ビジネスでの成功を勝ち取るには、まずこの部分の改革が必要ではないかなと感じているからです。対策を含めて私の考えを今後、このメルマガで適宜シェアさせて頂きますね。 日本人以外の読者の方にとっても、日本人についての理解が深まれば大変嬉しいです。その逆もまた然りです。😁

  I’m supporting female business owners and entrepreneurs to succeed in their business. Especially the women who were raised and educated in the traditional Japanese way. Because, in my opinion, they tend to pay attention a little too much about something which is not related to their business such as the status of a family, father’s job, their looks and style, husband’s profession and income etc. I think it’s better to change their mind to succeed in their business first. I’m more than happy to share my ideas including how to reform ourselves gradually in this newsletter going forward. I hope this newsletter will help non-Japanese people understand Japanese people better and vise versa.😁


  The bottom line is that you need to have your own thought about what you want to accomplish. Then, you start making an effort. Eventually, you’ll find the way to get to success. Talking about today’s topic, “Time to give up everything or start working harder”, in other words, if you are prepared, you don’t have to worry. When you engage in a business, I’d like to recommend you having enough back-up plans, money, people just in case.  To be honest, it’s not easy to withdraw from a business without money. You can survive a little longer with some subsidies, but it will be really hard to recover the business which is out of shape under the ongoing pandemic situation. You may not have enough money to start up a business. In fact, many entrepreneurs struggle with fundraising. Therefore, you need to make a business plan very carefully within your budget, take an action decisively, then you’ll see the next step to move on to. However, you cannot start anything with lack of your will although you may have enough money. Money cannot guarantee any accomplishment. To summarize today’s topic, it’s essential to keep making an effort continuously with strong will, passion and desire. Please don’t hesitate to go your own way! Please trust in yourself and improve on your capabilities gradually! Have a nice day!


If you have any opinions, questions and requests, please reply to me. I’d really appreciate it if you’d share this newsletter with someone you know. If you’d like me to add or delete someone including yourself, pls let me know the email address. Thank you, Nick Ono




