Vol.6 闘争心を燃やす/ Fighting spirit



  Mr. Inamori is saying the business management looks like martial arts. I also think there are some similarities. One is that it comes to the end of having a winner and a loser. Another is that you need to make a lot of effort to win a competition as well as a battle. When you run a business, you can take advantage of the character which you want to win anyway. I myself keep making an effort because I don’t want to become a loser.

 証券会社勤務時代は同期入社の社員と営業成績を争ったことを思い出す。私の場合は、地方支店勤務ではあったが大都市の大型店勤務の社員に負けない数字をあげてきたことが評価され、東京の大手町本社に異動となった。 本社では株式のトレーディング業務を担当する専門部署へ配属されたが、大所帯にも関わらず、ありがたいことに部長の目に留まり、光栄にもトレーディング部創設以来初の海外拠点赴任の辞令を頂戴し、それ以降は海外畑の人間となった。海外勤務となっても競争はまだまだ続き、しかも更に大きな試練が待っていたが、仕事を通じて自分が成長していくと思うと苦ではなかった。


  I remember I had competed with my colleagues since we joined the same company in the same year. I started working at a middle-sized branch office in a regional city while some colleagues started at a big branch office in a major city. After the first 4 years of work, I got transferred to the HQs in Tokyo because my performance was highly evaluated although there were some disadvantages of the market size where my branch office was located. I worked as an equity trader at the HQ in Tokyo for 3 years. Although it was a big department with many traders, luckily my big boss found my performance interesting and offered me an overseas position for the first time since the department was created. When I got transferred to the overseas office, I kept facing bigger challenges. However, I took it positively because I thought I could improve on my abilities by taking on these challenges.  




  I continued to have a hard time even after I became independent as a small restaurant owner. However, as I accumulated experiences through my job one by one, I grew up as a business owner as well as a matured person. Although things didn’t go smoothly in many cases, I handled everything sincerely including the competition against other restaurants. Eventually, the more experiences I gained, the more confident I got. Now I recall that the desire to win each competition helped me keep challenging to myself. That was the origin of my motivation.


 以上をまとめると、経営にあたるには、なんとしても競争に勝ちたいという、野生動物や格闘家が持つような、強いファイティングスピリッツが求められる。本能を剥き出しにして、生き残りをかけた競争に身を投じよう。その挑戦が厳しければ厳しいほど自分の大きな成長につながることは間違いない。Have a nice day!


  To summarize, when it comes to the business management, you are required to have strong fighting spirits, which seem like the one that wild animals and martial athletes naturally have. In fact, you need to keep winning the competitions against you. Why don’t you throw yourself into the competitions to survive proactively? The tougher the challenges are, the more you can learn. It’s no doubt for you to grow based on the number of challenges you tackled! Have a nice day!




  If you have any opinions, questions and requests, please reply to me. I’d really appreciate it if you’d share this newsletter with someone you know. If you’d like me to add or delete someone including yourself, pls let me know the email address. Pls go to my private blog, nicknoblog.com to see the past newsletters. Thank you, Nick


