


  Mr. Inamori is saying that we need to make the right decision when we do business correctly. We are often required to have courage to make a tough decision. I totally agree with him. I gave up on the business I continued for 8 years and returned to Japan in April, 2020 after 16 years of overseas experience because I got concerned about my health due to the corona shock. I withdrew my business regrettably because I wanted to survive although many business owners are still working hard in San Francisco where I worked. I had had a tough time since I started my business 8 years ago. I was not only a beginner in regards to the management, but also not familiar with the food industry.


 お客様のニーズに合わせ、提供する物を試行錯誤しながら修正していった。お陰様で毎年売上は伸び、2019年には小さいながらも坪当たり年間売上が1000万円を超え、年商で8500万円となった。繁盛店の一つとなったし、2020年6月には2店舗目をオープンするというプロジェクトが進行中で、図面も出来上がっていた。そこに文字通り、降って湧いたようなコロナショックの影響で、全てを中止せざるを得なくなったのである。今までで一番厳しい判断ではあったが、生きてさえいればいつか復活できる日も来るだろうと、断腸の思いでビジネスの撤退を決めたのである。6月12日現在で米国での感染者数は200万人、死者数は11万人を数えるが、撤退の決断を下していなければ今頃、私も命を落としていたかもしれないと考えるのは大袈裟すぎるだろうか。全てを捨てる勇気がなければ出来ない判断だったと今では思える。Have a nice day!


  We made a lot of adjustments to suit our customers’ demand. Thanks to our effort, our sales continuously grew every year. Our sales per tsubo went over $100K in 2019 regardless of the small size of business. Our annual sales increased closed to $1 million in 2019.  Sushi Taka became a popular restaurant eventually. Additionally, Sushi Taka was planning to open the 2nd restaurant in June, 2020. In fact, the floor plan was done. We needed to stop everything all of a sudden on the new restaurant opening project because of the unexpected pandemic situation. It was the hardest decision I had ever made, but I decided to give up on my business brokenheartedly, wishing I’ll come back some day if I manage to survive. As of June 12th, the number of infected people in the United States is over 2 millions and the number of deaths is over 110K. Would it be a little exaggerated if I’d say I could have lost my life because of the coronavirus if I had stayed in the United States? I was determined to push through the withdrawal plan at any cost because I thought there was no other choice to survive. 




  If you have any opinions, questions and requests, please reply to me. I’d really appreciate it if you’d share this newsletter with someone you know. If you’d like me to add or delete someone including yourself, pls let me know the email address. Thank you, Nick


