Vol.8 有言実行でことにあたる/ Saying is doing


  Mr. Inamori sees his phrase “saying is doing” more valuable than the Japanese old phrase “doing without saying”. I agree with him because I think “saying is doing” is more effective than “doing without saying”. It’s highly likely for people to choose an easier way in many cases because it’s more natural unless they put some pressure on themselves. In fact, I remember I used to put some pressure on myself by sharing my target with my friends and employees when I want to achieve it. When I became independent, the first target was opening my restaurant ASAP, the second target was turning the business profitable ASAP, the next target was increasing the revenue followed by the profits. I did my best to achieve the targets I set up. I would set up a new target every time I achieved one target. Although my targets were relatively big and vague in the beginning, the targets changed into yearly, monthly and weekly targets gradually. I think it was a good idea to share my targets with my friends and employees each time.

 というのも、目標を立ててその目標を人とシェアすることは習慣であり、この習慣がなければ、日々の業務の忙しさにかまけて、今、自分がどこに向かって走っているのか、今、自分のビジネスがどの位置にいるのか、把握が難しくなるからだ。目標を立てることは大切だが、その目標を経営者仲間や従業員とシェアすることまで含めて習慣化することで、自分への前向きなプレッシャーに変えることができ、目標実現により近づけるのではないかと考える。この考え方は、何もビジネス上の目標に限ったことではないので、勉強、スポーツ、趣味、ダイエットなど様々なことに取り組む際にも役立ててもらいたい。Have a nice day!

  I think it’s a habit to set up a target and share it with people. Without this habit, it’d not be easy to know where you are and which direction you are heading for because you would be busy everyday. It’s important to set up a target. In addition, it’s likely for you to get closer to your target by sharing the target with your friends and employees because you can put some pressure on yourself by making it your habit. This idea works not only for business but also for various things such as study, sports, hobbies, diet etc. I wish you’ll find the idea helpful when you take on any challenge. Have a nice day!


  If you have any opinions, questions and requests, please reply to me. I’d really appreciate it if you’d share this newsletter with someone you know. If you’d like me to add or delete someone including yourself, pls let me know the email address. Pls go to my private blog, nicknoblog.com to see the past newsletters. Thank you, Nick


