Vol.20 売上を極大に、経費を極少に/ Maximize revenues and minimize expenses



 その後、あらゆる面で経費削減の努力を続け、従業員の協力のおかげもあって、利益が少しずつ残るようになってきた。結果的に、利益の一部を従業員へのボーナスや時給アップに還元できた。私が一番腐心したのは、いかに従業員を巻き込むかということであった。逐一無駄遣いを減らすように指示したとしても、その場限りの改善に止まってしまうことが多かったからだ。経費削減努力を従業員一人ひとりに根付かせるには、その取り組みの背景について繰り返し説明し、かつ、具体的な行動を指示する必要があった。マニュアルやシステムでカバーしきれないところは、個人差が出やすいため苦労したが、その場合は適材適所ということで対応した。最終的には、業界平均より少し高い時給を出すことができるようになった。新たなスタッフの採用時に、当社の時給をアピールできたのも、経費削減の努力をみんなが続けてくれたおかげと感謝している。Have a nice day!


Vol.20 Maximize revenues and minimize expenses

  Mr. Kazuo Inamori (Founder of Kyocera and KDDI as well as Honorary Chairman of JAL) explains that management is very simple, and it is all about how to increase revenues and how to reduce expenses. (Reference: Kyocera Philosophy; Chapter 3)

  Exactly so. You need not think anything difficult. In my business start-up period, I managed to increase the number of customers and pay the utmost attention to increasing revenues. After that, I was overwhelmed by daily operations such as managing people and dealing with lots of troubles. I had to put off keeping costs down as a result. However, a few years later, even when our revenues increased significantly, I realized that our profits did not grow as much as I expected, so I finally started to work on cost reduction. Our restaurant used to be closed on weekends, so we were trying to minimize our inventory on Friday. In consultation with our manager, I decided to turn off the power of one of our refrigerators by storing all of our ingredients in the rest of our refrigerators. Then I noticed that the monthly electricity bill was slightly reduced. It was a small change, but it was a big finding for me.

  Since then, we have continued to reduce costs in all aspects, and thanks to the cooperation of our employees, profits have gradually been left. As a result, we were able to return a part of the profits to employee bonuses and hourly wage increases. What I was most concerned about was how to get all of the employees involved. Even if they were instructed to reduce wasteful use one by one, it was often just an ad hoc improvement. In order to make the cost reduction efforts rooted in each employee, it was necessary to repeatedly explain the background of the efforts we need to make and give detailed instructions each time. It was challenging to cover all of the points even with our manuals because individual differences tend to occur, but in that case, we tried to select the right person in the right position. Eventually, we were able to set our hourly wage slightly higher than the industry average. I was grateful that our slightly higher hourly wage was appealing when hiring new staff. We made this happene because everyone continued their efforts to cut costs. Have a nice day!

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