Mr. Kazuo Inamori, who is the founder of Kyocera and KDDI, and Honorable Chairman of JAL, is saying that “Create an idea optimistically, plan it pessimistically and implement it optimistically in his book, “Kyocera Philosophy”. I agree with him because I think it’s very valuable and meaningful advice from my point of view as a business owner. I know many Japanese people tend to think conservatively and hesitate to tell their opinions. Especially when the top management thinks of a new idea, which sounds difficult to accomplish, their employees tend to react negatively. However, assuming you are the top management, you need to work with a group of people because you cannot do anything by yourself. It’s very important to get all of your employees involved in your business plan. How can you create a warm and positive atmosphere to have them help you with the plan? It’s obvious for you to have a better result when you work with hard working people who are willing to help you. I personally would rather have open-minded and energetic people around me. Simply speaking, it’s because I feel easy to talk to these people when I come up with an interesting idea.
I think optimistic people or positive thinkers would be good to talk to in the beginning. When you talk about your original idea with different people 2-3 times, the idea will become more solid. Then, it’s the right time to disclose the idea to everyone. You can make it better. When I made a project team, what I cared about was diversity. When I hired people, I never picked so many Japanese people. I never intended to choose so many male employees. In fact, the majority of my team members were female employees. Also, I didn’t think I needed Japanese employees. I also tried not to hire many people from one country because Chinese people always get together with other Chinese people while Latinos get together with other Latinos. Since they talk in their own language, they naturally create an ethnic group among all of the employees. When something unexpected comes up, they may say bad things about others in their language.
私の場合、小さなビジネスだったこともあり基本的に各国から1人という構成だったが、最終的にはアメリカ人、日本人、中国人、韓国人、インドネシア人、タイ人というアジア人中心のチームに落ち着いた。アメリカ人以外は私も含め流暢な英語を話せるメンバーは少なかったが、接客だけでなく、社内のコミュニケーションも全て英語であったため、最初は全く英語が話せなくても3年ほどである程度の日常会話ができるようになった50代の中国人女性もいたくらいだ。以上をまとめると、何か計画を立てる際には、自分の意見を肯定的に聞いてくれそうな前向きで明るい性格の従業員数人にまず相談し、しっかりと計画を練った上で、更に細かいチェックを皆と行うことで、全員を巻き込み、皆に当事者意識を持ってもらい、各人に責任を分担していく方法を取った結果、仕事がスムーズにいくことが多かったので試して頂きたい。日本でのビジネスでは、国籍による多様性はそれほど必要ないかもしれないが、性別、年齢、出身、学歴、経験、性格などに極端な偏りが出ないよう、積極的に多様な人材を取り入れてみられることをお勧めしたい。Have a nice day!
In my case, I basically hired one person from one country because it worked well. Eventually, my final team members were composed of American, Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Indonesian and Thai. Except for American on my team, the rest of us including myself weren’t fluent enough to speak English. Having said that, even the Chinese employee in her 50s, who didn’t speak English at all in the beginning, were able to communicate with everyone in English to some extent in 2-3 years because everyone was forced to speak English no matter what. To summarize this topic, when you make a business plan, I’d like to recommend you talking about your plan to some people who are optimistic people or positive thinkers first, making the plan more solid, checking more carefully with everyone, getting them involved in the plan, allocating some responsibility to each person. Of course, I don’t think you need to hire a variety of foreigners in Japan. However, I’d like to encourage you to hire a variety of people in terms of gender, age, hometown, academic background, experience, character etc. Have a nice day!
If you have any opinions, questions and requests, please reply to me. I’d really appreciate it if you’d share this newsletter with someone you know. If you’d like me to add or delete someone including yourself, pls let me know the email address. Thank you, Nick Ono