Japanese followed by English.
一世代前と違って、今では現場での厳しい指導が馴染まないと思うことがある。コミュニケーションが苦手とか、感情を表すのが苦手な人がいて、お互いの距離を縮めにくいと感じる場合があるからだ。本人のことを思って熱心に指導したとしても、逆効果になることもあるだろう。私自身は第二次ベビーブーマー世代に属するが、ミレニアム世代の人たちとのコミュニケーションや外国人とのコミュニケーションにおいては、ありがちな先入観を排し、自分の価値観を押し付けすぎないよう気を付けている。Have a nice day!
Vol.17 Small good resembles bad
Mr. Inamori explains that superficial kindness, such as spoiling a child or accommodating an employee overly, will make the person unhappy in the future. On the other hand, strict discipline with regard to children and rigorous instructions in consideration of employees will result in gratitude from them in the long run. Although this is a very deep teaching, I take it very difficult depending on each situation. This is because while it is a lifelong relationship with children, in the United States it is unlikely to have such a long relationship with employees because it’s usual to change jobs every 3-4 years for better opportunities. Therefore, unless you are a charismatic business owner, it’s practically hard for you to build a close relationship with your employees in a short time of period. However, in the case of business in both Japan and the US, it is possible to convince employees to obey by setting clear rules.
For example, most of the time, you will start with oral instructions whenever necessary. If you think verbal instructions with enough explanations don’t work, the next step will be holding a meeting, writing down points for improvement, and making your employee understood with their signature. If there is still no improvement, hold a meeting again, and, write a warning notice to them that, for example, they may be dismissed etc. if there is no further improvement going forward, and make them understood with the signature of the employee. By taking certain steps in this way, you can reduce litigation risk and maintain fair treatment of all of your employees.
Unlike one generation ago, now I think that strong reprimands at work are not suitable. This is because I see mutual respect very important at work. However, I don’t think strong reprimands will help us respect each other so much because people have emotions and the different way of thinking. In fact, there are people who are not good at communication or who are not good at expressing emotions. Even if you enthusiastically train your employees thinking of themselves, it could be counterproductive. I myself belong to the second baby boomer generation, but in communication with Millennium generation people and foreigners, I’m very careful to be free from prejudice and not to impose my own values too much. Have a nice day!
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