Vol.7 自らの道は自ら切りひらく/ Go on your way by making the future


  Mr. Inamori is saying that today’s results derive from your past effort although there is no guarantee about your future results in his book “Kyocera Philosophy”. I totally agree with him. I remember I experienced the following situation when I was young: “When things didn’t go well, I wasn’t sure what to do because I didn’t have enough experiences how to deal with the situation. However, I realized that I needed to try out a different way at least. What I learned was that I shouldn’t stop. If I had stopped so long, the situation would have gotten even worse.” This was the first finding through my first job, which was a stockbroker. Another experience is that I had a back-up plan when I got laid off after the Lehman shock. Although I lost my job unexpectedly, I became independent as a restaurant owner in San Francisco relatively smoothly regardless of my lack of experience in the restaurant industry. This is because I had been preparing for years before I took an action. It’d be no doubt that my life would have been very different, otherwise.

 その後は、サンフランシスコで飲食業者として新たな経験を積み重ねていたものの、2020年に突如発生したコロナショックで自分のビジネスを手放さざるを得ず、日本に16年ぶりに帰国することとなった。現在は、日本で再起を図ろうとしているところである。人生半ばでまたもやゼロからの仕切り直しとなり、大変な困難を伴うのは明らかだが、全然めげてはいない。なぜなら、自らの道を自ら切りひらくということは、むしろ新たなチャレンジを通じて自分の成長に大きくつながる絶好のチャンスと私は考えているからだ。まずは心を穏やかに保ち、アンテナを高くして、トレンドに注意を払い、次に備えるのである。全てを失っても命さえあれば再起を図れると私が楽観的に考えているのは、これまでの様々な経験のおかげであり、精神力がアップしたおかげと自己分析している。今は不撓不屈の精神で、次の起業を目指し爪を磨いているところだ。コロナ禍のおかげで世界中が混乱に巻き込まれてしまったが、不幸にも亡くなってしまった方とそのご家族にはご冥福をお祈りしつつ、感染してしまった方、仕事や子育て、学業等で苦労されている方には、日々最大限の努力を続けていけば、必ず自ずから道がひらけてくると、心よりエールを送りたい。Have a nice day!
  I had worked hard for 8 years since I opened a small restaurant in San Francisco. Having said that, due to the coronavirus concerns, I gave up my business and left for Japan eventually after 16 years of my overseas experience. That’s why I’m planning to start up something new from scratch in Japan. It’s obviously challenging for me. However, I’m optimistic because challenging to myself can help me grow further. Therefore, I see this situation positively. What I care about lately is keeping my mind calm, paying attention to the news and trends which can be relevant to me, and getting prepared for the next step. When I came back to Japan, I saw myself a little matured thanks to my experiences because I’m surprisingly optimistic about myself regardless of the fact that I lost almost everything. I believe that I will be able to make a comeback someday because I still keep my entrepreneurship and never-give-up mind. In fact, I’m preparing for a new business start-up in Japan. Btw, while I’m praying for the people who died of the coronavirus and their family, I’m wishing all the best for the people who are struggling with their business, job, study, family matters etc. Have a nice day!


  If you have any opinions, questions and requests, please reply to me. I’d really appreciate it if you’d share this newsletter with someone you know. If you’d like me to add or delete someone including yourself, pls let me know the email address. Pls go to my private blog, nicknoblog.com to see the past newsletters. Thank you, Nick


