稲盛和夫の京セラフィロソフィ 「仕事を好きになる」




Love your job

 Mr. Kazuo Inamori (founder of Kyocera and KDDI, Honorary Chairman of JAL) says that the best way to get the job done well is to love it because it takes a lot of energy to get the job done. No matter what kind of work you do, if you devote yourself to it, you will have a great sense of accomplishment and confidence. Then any effort will not be a pain and you will be able to achieve great results.

 This is also a very important point. If you don’t like your job, you won’t improve. If you don’t improve, you won’t get good results at work, and if you don’t get good results, you won’t get any new good opportunities. The important thing as a countermeasure is either to do what you like or to like what you are doing. Anyone can get hooked on creative and exciting work, but it’s the tip of the iceberg.

 For example, by setting your own goals and working on how you can finish your work quickly and carefully, you will be able to use your imagination to increase your productivity even if it is a monotonous task. Considering the balance between efficiency and quality, the more you commit yourself to your work, the better your skills will be. Through trial and error, you may discover something, and in that case, you can contribute to your team by giving your feedback to the people around you. There is no doubt that the accumulation of these contributions will increase the reputation and trust of those around you. As a result, you will be able to get larger and more important tasks. In short, whether or not you can get good opportunities depends largely on your own attitude. Some people may feel uncomfortable if they just compare their circumstances to others, but by doing their best on what they are currently given, their future can be opened up.


