稲盛氏は目標に向かって熱意と執念を持ち、あきらめずに取り組みさえすれば、必ず目標は達成できるとと説いておられる。「成功するまであきらめない」は私の好きな言葉で、私も”Never Give Up!”をモットーにしている。実際、目標の設定ミスの場合などを除き、誰であってもほぼ全ての目標は達成可能と私は確信している。物事が予定通り進まないときには、その度に原因を探し出してひとつずつ解決していけば、一歩一歩ゴールに近づけるのは明らかだ。では、なぜ目標を達成するのは難しいのか?何かを始めるときに、出だしでつまずく人が多いからだ。
Mr. Inamori is saying that “we can achieve our target if we keep doing our best without giving it up in the middle”. I myself like the phrase “Never give up”. In fact, it’s my motto. Unless people make a mistake when they set their target, I’m sure that anybody can achieve their targets in most cases. Even when things don’t go smoothly, it’s obvious that you can move forward by finding the problem and sorting it out one by one. Why is it difficult for many people to achieve their target then? It’s because so many people tend to struggle with starting off when they work on something.
It’s not limited to the business. It also can apply to other things such as diet, jogging, learning a foreign language etc. Even if you set up a target, it’s really hard for you to take the first step. That’s why you cannot achieve anything. As you know, there is the old Japanese phrase, “Mikka bouzu”, which means the person who cannot stick to anything. It’s really hard for everyone to start up something. However, once you start off, you can find it easy to keep doing it. On the other hand, if it’s far to get to your goal, it’s very important to maintain your motivation. The key point is how firmly you commit yourself to the target. In fact, people easily give up on their target when they find their progress slower than expected due to some troubles, or something urgent comes up unexpectedly.
計画を立てるときには余裕をもったプランにするか、小さな目標を心がけるのも一つの手だ。小さな目標を繰り返し設定し、それをクリアしていけば、計画倒れになることを防げるだろう。小さな目標だとしても、目標達成の度に自信がつくし、嬉しくもなるだろう。何よりも前進したという実績が次につながるだろう。以上をまとめると、まずは、それぞれの個人の特性に合わせて、最後まで頑張り抜ける現実的な目標と余裕をもった期限を設定すること。トラブルが発生しても心を穏やかに維持し、最善策を取り、また計画に戻るというルーティンを繰り返していけば、いつの間にか目標に近づいているはずだ。成功の秘訣は、どんな目標であっても、その目標を達成したいという、強い思いを最初から最後まで持ち続けることだ。Have a nice day!
When you make a plan or set a target, there are some options, for example, you can make a reasonably achievable plan or set a small target. If you set a small target and keep achieving it, you’ll become confident and feel good regardless of the fact that it’s a small target. More importantly, it’s crucial to move forward without stopping in the middle. To summarize, it’s better to set a small target with a reasonable timeframe based on your character and tendency. Once you start it off, it’s important to keep your cool even when anything happens. In an emergency situation, you need to fix the problem with your best effort. Then, you come back on track to keep the original plan going. If you continuously do this routine, you’ll get closer to your goal gradually. The bottomline is that you need to keep your strong motivation until you achieve your target. Have a nice day!
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