稲盛和夫の京セラフィロソフィ  Vol.29 経験則を重視する/ Emphasize experience

Vol.29 経験則を重視する

 稲盛和夫氏(京セラとKDDIの創業者、JALの名誉会長)は、知っていることと、出来ることは違うと、経験の大切さを説いておられる。 出典:「京セラフィロソフィ」





Vol.29 Emphasize experience

  Mr. Kazuo Inamori (Founder of Kyocera and KDDI, Honorary Chairman of JAL) explains that what you know and what you can do is totally different. He emphasizes the importance of experience. Source: “Kyocera Philosophy”

I agree with Mr. Inamori based on my experiences in several different industries. Many people may think that it’s impossible for them to do when they first see something they need to do because no one has experience in the beginning. However, as you continue to take on challenges, you will gradually gain experience and be able to do the things that seem impossible at first. Firstly, it is important to remove the mental block and try something anyway.

Secondly, I’ve been careful not to force my employees to do something I’ve never done yet because the difficulty of the job is unknown, and it is impossible to measure how much the employee will be burdened. When I came up with a new idea, I myself worked on it first. If the results were as expected, I explained to the employees how to do the work and asked them to work on it. If my experiment didn’t work when I tried the idea, I changed the method and tried it myself again. By doing this, I was able to avoid unreasonable instructions on the employees, and I was also able to make an appropriate evaluation according to the difficulty level of the work.

Although I hired employees with various relevant skills, I positively evaluated those skills only when the skills could contribute to increase our sales or improve the efficiency of our operations or cost reduction because I thought it was important to improve core skills that are directly related to work. No matter how much experience you have, there is no point in using it in your current work.

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