Vol.12 一日一日をど真剣に生きる/ Living seriously day by day


Mr. Inamori tells us that our life will change dramatically if we take care of ourselves and live seriously every day. This sounds very basic, but I think it is very important advice. After all, our life is a day-to-day accumulation.


Although many people may not pay much attention to what is important to themselves, in order to live a fulfilling life, such as taking care of one’s health and continuing efforts to improve productivity, I think this is an indispensable consideration.


I don’t think there are any disagreements about how enriching each day will eventually lead to a fulfilling life, but there are a lot of different ways to approach it. I think that a regular life is the basis for everything. I myself refrain from over-drinking and over-eating. I do moderate exercise and meditation everyday, and try to create a regular life rhythm by keeping bedtime and getting up as constant as possible.

次に、計画と実践においては、私自身は朝の時間を出来るだけ有効活用するように心がけている。と言うのも、早朝が脳が一番活性化する時間帯だからである。早寝早起きをし、早朝の時間を知的生産活動に充てるよう、計画を立てるのがお勧めのやり方だ。Have a nice day!

Second, in planning and practice, I try to make the best use of morning time. This is because the early morning is when the brain is most active. It’s a good idea to get up early and devote the early morning hours to intellectual production. Have a nice day!


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