



  • 爽やかに目覚めるためには、毎日一定の睡眠時間を確保した方がいいですよね。毎晩一定の時刻に床につけるよう就寝時刻から逆算して毎日のスケジューリングを考えてみるのはいかがでしょうか?


    • 自然な目覚めのために、音がうるさい目覚ましでなく、アラームがわりに光で目覚めを促す光時計を利用してみるのはいかがでしょうか?ご参考までに私が使っている光時計はコチラです。

YABAE 目覚まし時計 光 大音量 目覚ましライト デジタル スヌーズ&ラジオ機能付き クロックラジオ アラーム ホワイト MY-09


  • 深い睡眠ができれば、目覚めも良くなるので適度な運動に取り組むとよいでしょう。ジムに通い始めるのもいいですし、自宅近くの散歩やジョギングも効果があります。天候に左右されない自宅での筋トレもおすすめです。体幹を鍛えることで健康増進につながりますので、自宅で取り組んでみられるのはいかがでしょうか?


  • 食事も睡眠に深く関係しますので、飲んだ帰りに締めのラーメンというのは厳禁ですよね。就寝2時間前には夕食を終えることを目標に、消化に良いものや栄養のバランスを考えた食事の習慣がつくと理想的でしょう。


    • 精神面でもリラックスした状態が深い睡眠には最適です。短時間の瞑想やマインドフルネスは精神を落ち着ける効果が高いのでオススメです。瞑想について書かれたベストセラーを手に取ってみられるのはいかがでしょうか?

頭を「からっぽ」にするレッスン 10分間瞑想でマインドフルに生きる


  • ヨガは心身をほぐし、リラックスさせるだけでなく、美容や集中力アップにも効果があるので、ヨガに取り組んでみられるのはいかがでしょうか?


  • 座禅も心を落ち着かせ、集中力を高める効果があるのでお寺での座禅会に参加してみられるのはいかがでしょうか?




Improve your judgment with significant attention

  Focusing your consciousness seriously with a purpose is called significant attention. We must get into the habit of paying serious attention to every little thing in our daily lives.


Do you usually “consciously pay attention”? Life is a series of judgments. No matter how easy it may seem, the best training is to think seriously and try to make the right decisions each time. For those who take the little things seriously, their senses will be sharpened and they will always be able to make quick and accurate decisions. This is because they will be able to think at a tremendous speed with nature and come up with the best plan.

Let’s consider early rising measures, taking as an example a person who is not good at getting up early!


  • In order to wake up refreshed, it is better to secure a certain amount of sleep every day. How about thinking about daily scheduling by counting back from bedtime so that you can go to bed at a fixed time every night?


  • For a natural awakening, why not use an optical clock that urges you to wake up with light instead of a noisy alarm clock? For your reference, the optical clock I am using is here.


  • If you can sleep deeply, you will be able to wake up better, so it is a good idea to work out appropriately. Of course, it’s great to start going to a gym. Walking or jogging near your home is also effective. I also recommend muscle training at home, which is not affected by the weather. Strengthening the trunk of your body will help improve your health, so why not try it at home?


  • Since meals are deeply related to sleep, it is strictly forbidden to have ramen on the way home after drinking, isn’t it? Ideally, you should have a dietary habit that is easy to digest and has a good nutritional balance, with the goal of finishing dinner two hours before bedtime, for example.


  • It is ideal for deep sleep when you are mentally relaxed. Short meditations and mindfulness are recommended as they are highly effective in calming your mind. Why not pick up a bestseller about meditation?


  • Yoga not only relaxes your mind and body, but is also effective in improving beauty and concentration, so why not try yoga?


  • Zen meditation also has the effect of calming your mind and increasing your concentration, so why not take part in a Zen meditation trial at a temple?

How was it? This is just an example, but I hope you’ve noticed that there are various ways to get up early. By implementing these thoughts into your daily life and work, you will be able to make the right decisions quickly and without hesitation even when making important decisions. “Significant attention” was the keyword for this time, which means “paying close attention to anything consciously.” The more you practice this, the sharper your judgment will be gradually, which will lead you to a better life. Pls don’t hesitate to try it out!


